WDA Foundation is a non-profitable, non-political, non-government voluntary and charitable NGO organization. It works primarily non-formal education, environment, agriculture, with the underprivileged, illiterate, unemployed people as well as marginalized children of 2 districts like Dhaka and Faridpur with various social development program. The work of WDA Foundation over the last few years can be summarized below. 

a) Social Development Program: All programs and functions of WDAF that aimed to social uplift of the underprivileged and marginalized people are termed as Social Development Program. The program includes education right for deprived children as well as child hood care and development. Besides it works for clean, safe and a sustainable environment as well as adaption to climate change and disaster management. It also works for nutrition, water and sanitation, hygiene, food security, rehabilitation and disabled people. 

b) Economic Development Program: Economic Development Program of WDAF aims to develop the capacity of the poor people for more earnings that supports the improvement of their living status. It includes Skill Development Training, Job Placement Support. WDAF is also running a handicraft program for women empowering for their economic solvency and self-dependency in Mirpur, Dhaka & Madukhali, Faridpur.